

  As more and more people have a large number of fans on Douyin, how to make money by publishing works? First of all, what you need to do is make your work stand out. On Douyin, the watchability of a video is the key factor that determines whether viewers will continue to watch your video. And the outstanding video often can attract more viewers, thus getting more likes and attention. So, if you want to make money, the first thing you need to do is make your work stand out. Secondly, you also need to pay attention to the content of your work. Content is the main content of the video. If the content of your work is not good, then the viewers will not like it. Therefore, in order to make your work more popular, you need to pay attention to your content. The video with good content can often attract more viewers, in this way, your video can get more attention and likes. Finally, you also need to pay attention to your video title. The title is the first impression of the video. If your title can’t attract viewers, your video won’t be popular. So, you need to pay attention to your video title and make your title as attractive as possible. In general, if you want to make money by releasing works, the first thing you need to do is make your work stand out, and then pay attention to the content of your work, and finally pay attention to your video title.




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